Tuesday, July 28, 2009


So, last weekend was the first annual TITWRENCH Festival. For those of you who don't know, TITWRENCH is a lady-centered, DIY music and arts festival in Denver. I spent most of my time wandering around as a floating volunteer, helping wherever was needed. I was butt-tired after the festival and I was only volunteering part-time. All I have to say about the flolks that put the festival together is, YOU ALL FUCKING ROCK AND ARE FUCKING HARD-CORE FOR WORKING SOOOOOOOOOOOOO HARD ON THIS! So, if you see any of the folks that put the festival on, give 'em a big hug or a high five or something. It's really incredible to see this kind of thing in Denver, and for it to be such a big success.

Despite my volunteering, I was still able to see all of the bands that I wanted to. Some of my fav acts were Christian Teenage Runnaways, Hell Kite, Hot White, and Married in Berdichev. All of the other acts that I saw, were amazing as well. Here are some pictures from the festival...hope you enjoy them (especially the naked ones of me).

Plus check out this video I took of Married in Berdichev.

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