Tuesday, July 28, 2009


So, last weekend was the first annual TITWRENCH Festival. For those of you who don't know, TITWRENCH is a lady-centered, DIY music and arts festival in Denver. I spent most of my time wandering around as a floating volunteer, helping wherever was needed. I was butt-tired after the festival and I was only volunteering part-time. All I have to say about the flolks that put the festival together is, YOU ALL FUCKING ROCK AND ARE FUCKING HARD-CORE FOR WORKING SOOOOOOOOOOOOO HARD ON THIS! So, if you see any of the folks that put the festival on, give 'em a big hug or a high five or something. It's really incredible to see this kind of thing in Denver, and for it to be such a big success.

Despite my volunteering, I was still able to see all of the bands that I wanted to. Some of my fav acts were Christian Teenage Runnaways, Hell Kite, Hot White, and Married in Berdichev. All of the other acts that I saw, were amazing as well. Here are some pictures from the festival...hope you enjoy them (especially the naked ones of me).

Plus check out this video I took of Married in Berdichev.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Mild Night with Friends

So, this is my first post to my blog. Which I guess is exciting, if you are into this sort of thing.

Anyway, two nights ago I went to the Thunder in the Mountains after party, in Denver. Thunder in the Mountains is the biggest BDSM convention in the nation. I was hoping to see some acquaintances I haven't seen in a while. They weren't there like I was hoping, but I did get to spend the evening with some other friends I haven't seen in a while.

The after party took place at the Denver Sanctuary, which is one of Denver's dungeons where play parties and such are had. When we got there I got to watch my friends Jim and Bandita beat the snot out of my dear, dear friend Piper. It was a beautiful sight to watch.

After that I walked around and just enjoyed the screaming, slapping, giggling, and general fun sounds and sights.

Eventually, I sat down with Jim and Bandita talking about the leather scene and how I felt slightly disenchanted with it. And also, how I haven't really been bottoming in scenes lately. Next thing you know, Bandita has my head pushed down into a chair whilst Jim is pummeling me with harder and harder blows all over my body. All the while I am making jokes, funny noises, and lots of laughs.

It was a good scene to bottom to, since I hadn't done it in a while. It was like playing a game with old friends. Unfortunately, I kind of forgot that you get sore the next day after a beating. So, there was no gym for me the day after. It was a lot of fun, though. So it was worth it. Enjoy Jim and Bandita's handiwork.

This first post is dedicated to Jim and Bandita. For being good enough friends to beat me up.